My favorite character in the story is the female main character, Ti Moune. She shows a lot of different characteristics from other peasants even though that is where she belongs. In the beginning of the story, peasants dance and sing on the hill to worship their God all together, but Ti Moune spends her own time instead of being in the group. She goes to the brook and lay down in naked which is breaking the rule of their society, and feels the God in her own way. Also, she keeps show her desire toward freedom and the new world by uncommon actions such as looking at the passing cars on the road and praying her wishes on the butterflies. Not only because she is different from other peasants, but also I like her characteristic because I felt so much in common with Ti Moune even though she is just a character of the novel.
Few years ago, when I was about her age, I used to act exactly like Ti Moune. I always spoke and had desire for freedom. Most of students in Korea are forced to study by their parents and society, like Ti Moune is forced to work and everyone does. Every night, on my way getting back home from private tutoring centers, only thing I thought about was freedom and real life. Lots of student including my friends knew that the life that we are living was the life that the most of students live in our society and accepted it. However, as I grew up, I couldn't accept it like others did and desire for freedom got bigger. My parents consistently tried to convince me, but it didn't work. Finally, when I was 15 years old, I decided to do music and acting for my life which changed my whole life and characteristic. I started to fall in love with acting and music like Ti Moune fell in love with Daniel. My head was full of the new world and I didn't care anything else but those. I felt that I gained the purpose of my life and those days were the happiest time in my entire life. Unfortunately, that moment didn't last long like Ti Moune's happiest time with Daniel didn't last long either.
The other thing that I felt in common with Ti Moune was the fact that I also wasn't raised up by my real parents. My parents got divorced when I was 3 and I was raised up by my father, grandmother, and aunt. Although I lived with my father, I couldn't see him mostly when I was young because he was an extremely busy man. Thus, grandmother and aunt were my parents, and they gave me a countless love to me like how Tonton and Mama treat Ti Moune. However, as I grew up, I couldn't deny that I'm so different with them. My head understood that I receive inexpressible love from my family and also love them, but my heart was keep saying that real myself belongs somewhere else. That was one of the weirdest feeling which I had experienced and I still can't fully explain that feeling. And it feels extremely weird when I found this kind of feeling in common with a character in the book. I believe that the fact that Ti Moune wasn't raised up by her real parents effected a lot in her characteristic. Based on my experience, I assume that the reason why she prefers her own time rather than being in the group is because of the emptiness that can never be fulfilled even when she is with her own family.
I've never expected to feel the sense of kinship like this deep especially from a character from a fiction. Usually, I don't feel huge interests or feelings from novel and that is why I didn't enjoy most of story that I've read. However, My love, my love will be the most unforgettable book to me because it touched me in someway.

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